Listening for the Soul starts up for the fall!


At our Listening for the Soul groups we try to explore old and new ways of listening for God and the deep knowing within each of us. This fall we thought we would attempt as a group a daily practice using the book “The Cup of our Life” by Joyce Rupp as a guide. Tomorrow evening (Wednesday September 17th 730-9pm) we will meet in an upstairs classroom at the church to discuss this book and the how to’s for engaging in this endeavour. The church is Community of Christ at 3333 Kaslo Street Vancouver BC.

This book offers a daily reading and and a number of different practises such as a breath prayer, journaling, scriptures, etc., and you can choose to do all of them or just some.

This book talks about how we often use symbolism to help us gain a deeper understanding of difficult issues. This fall we will be using the symbol of a cup to help us grapple with our thoughts and ideas about God, compassion, what is our calling and many other ideas.

If you are interested, please know that you are welcome to join us. We will see who would like a book and spend some time talking about developing a sacred space and choosing a cup.

For those who cannot attend the group but would like to join in with us, the books are available on Amazon and are reasonably priced.

Shannon and I will also post regularly on this blog and you can join us that way as well.

In the meantime, think about what cup you would like to use for this practice!


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